Friday, June 17, 2005

What Would Jesus Do

Carman Licciardello has been an anointed man of God for over 2 decades. There has been rumors, whether true or false, about him getting married and seeking an annulment. Well, if it is true, we christians need to undergird Carman and not villify him.

If he did get married it really is his business and he probably feels worse than his fans right now. Peter denied Jesus yet was a mover and shaker in the early church. Let us just pray for Carman. Give him time to tell us all about it.

As for myself, I will make up my mind to eat an extra piece of apple pie. I know it is not good for me yet I do it. When I have eaten it I wonder why I did not excercise self control. Carman has done a lot for the Kingdom of God. If God approves of him who are we to villify him.

Believers read I John 1:8-10 and think about it. Carman is not a practising sinner. The man made a mistake. Many have done worst. My message to Carman is this, "Carman I love you, I choose to be your good friend and I promise to pray for you. You are not too bad. To me you are still OK."


Blogger Andrea said...

Well here I am sharing my opinions about Carman. I continue to support his ministry because I sense that the relevancy of its outreach is making a difference for the Kingdom of God.

Carman has been attacked by so many for no good reason. My opinion is that there are men of God that are simply jealous of this warm hearted man named, Carman.

My advice to all the naysayers of Carman is that they should ask God what he thinks of Carman. God says in His word that His sheep know his voice. Dare to ask him today!

Well no matter what you think about Carman he is being used mightily of God in this season of time. His old albums are for the first time being heard by many and causing revival in families and nations.

Till next time, keep the faith and keep in the Word of God.

3:49 PM  
Blogger Andrea said...

On Carman's marriage. After thinking about it I realize that he could have been instructed by God to marry the woman. Why? Maybe God wants him to campare her to his next wife. I am sure she shall be the real one.

I remember doing something I thought God had told me to do. Someone said, "why would God tell you to do that. It could not have been God. However, I am sure it was God.

Let us not put God in a box. He is Sovereign over this universe. He knows what he is doing. We can ask him when we ge to by and by, "Did you tell Carman to marry that woman?" You could be shocked at the reply.

Anyway, it is not a sin to get married. The Bible says it is better to marry than to burn with passion. See I Corinthians 7:8,9.

Would God tell someone to marry another and then not join them together. Maybe; I really don't know. We can ask Him now or ask Him when we get to by and by.

Of course this is just to start you thinking. I am not saying what God did or did not say to Carman. See Isaiah 5:21. As far as I know she walked out on him giving him no chance for reconciliation. Selah & let us just pray for Carman and be his friend if you have the capacity to do so!

4:15 PM  
Blogger Andrea said...

Girard I respect your opinions and you have a right to state them. Thank God for the blood of Jesus! My scripture for all of you is: "My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you." John 15:12 NIV

9:42 AM  
Blogger Andrea said...

No Girard, I was never a member of Larry Lea's church. So many women have wanted to marry Carman over the years that even if I did it is no real embarassment. Nevertheless, I feel Carman's pain. When we do stupid things it leaves us with real pain. Surprisingly, I do not agree with everything Carman says and does. However, I respect him as a man of God. Stupidity is not a sin. It does, however, cause painful consequences. There is a lot about his former marriage that I wish I was privy to, however, I am ignorant of all that happened. What I heard from Carman and it is not much has caused me to double up in prayer for him and also to choose to be his friend looking for nothing in return. I don't see Carman to be like Jimmy Swaggart or Jim Bakker. Their behavior was not stupidity it was sin. However, I am sure the blood of Jesus has redeemed them. Let us all reflect on Matthew 6:12. In the NIV it states, "Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors." Even if what Carman did offended us we should forgive him since the Father God has already forgiven him. Try it! It is therapeutic. Luv yu all

1:20 PM  
Blogger Andrea said...

While reflecting on Carman and all that has been said about him and his marriage and his character God pointed me to a couple people in scripture. Abraham was called God's friend and he lied twice about Sarah being his sister. David was a man after God's own heart and he orchestrated the murder of Uriah. If we can love Abraham and David we can love Carman. I may not know a lot about Carman but I am sure he hurts a lot. He needs friends who have no ulterior motive. Let us not bash him but love him and pray for God to tutn his life around and pour on the oil and the wine on his wounds. After all, Carman is a human being. Luv yu Carman! As a matter of fact the first time I saw Carman I fell in like with him. Maybe if I had fallen in love with him instead of like I would be bashing him too. Hahaha

11:28 AM  
Blogger Andrea said...

WHWT your comments are valuable and is full of needed mercy for Rose. Rose has been married three times. Who does God see as her husband? Maybe I am partial to Carman because I know nothing about Rose and what I know leaves me concerned. She has been married three times. God is longsuffering, however, enough is enough. Both Rose and Carman are in need of mercy and God is full of mercy. Rose reminds me of the woman at the well. That woman had a face to face enocounter with Jesus. So Rose is still precious to Jesus; Because of Rose's track record I can't see her as Carman's wife. Thrice divorced, come on! This is more like a Hollywood marriage. Carman on the other hand should have thought more than twice before marrying a twice divorced woman. I love them both but I know more about Carman. As a woman my heart goes out to Rose. I want to hear her side of the story then I might be able to pray more intensely for her. Pray for me to be more tolerant of Rose if it is God's will. Thanks!

8:58 AM  
Blogger Andrea said...

whwt that is exactly what I am saying. Rose is precious to Jesus. I don't know her or anything about her that is worth much. I love her as I do myself. That is God's command.

Married three times after being saved says something about the person. Jesus is coming back for a church without spot or wrinkle. Not a church that is a carbon copy of the world. Carman and Rose will have to face Jesus at the judgment seat of Christ. So do all of us whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life.

Carman tends to be a Hollywood type so maybe Rose is right for him. Some men are a little more discriminating when it comes to thier bride. My first impression of Rose is that she loves to hop from bed to bed and does it legally. In the world they don't bother to get married they hop from bed to bed anyway.

Freedom in Christ does not mean that we take God's grace and make it a total disgrace. I have no problem with Richard Roberts. God gave him a second chance. I am sorry but I have set high standards for myself and can't see the rationale of a christian woman marrying one man after the other until she finds Mr. Right.

Maybe her standards for herself are not very high and neither is Carman's. If that is the case they are meant for each other and no one should have a problem with them spending their lives together.

As for me I yearn to please my God and find favor from him in everything I do. I can't force my standards on anyone. We all have to face Jesus one day. Let him say what he thinks of behavior patterns such as Rose's. He is her judge. I only have opinions based on my upbringing.

Just like Rose I depend on God's grace and mercy flowing down to me daily. May God the Father grant me mercy towards Rose and women that behave like her in Jesus name Amen!

4:04 PM  
Blogger Andrea said...

If the good Lord Jesus gives me a burden to pray for Rose in the same way I am praying for Carman I will do it. Faithful are the wounds of a friend. Maybe my viewpoint is not with it and very Victorian, however, it is my opinion. I don't only want God to love me but I want him to be also pleased with my behavior. I don't think that just because this is the 21st century we must compromise what is called good morals.

I pray that if I am out of touch with reality God will straighten me out. If it is God's will for Carman to spend his life with Rose then let it be so in Jesus name. If it was God that joined them together then I say to Carman and Rose, "go for it and live together till death you two do part,"

Most people seem to think that I have a mad crush on Carman. The last time I saw Carman in concert was in 2000 or 2001. My health prevents me from even going to his concerts now. So marriage to Carman is not on my list of priorities. Nevertheless, I like how he ministers and surprisingly I like him too.

I don't anticipate seeing him before I die. However, if I do, Glory to God. My prayer for Carman and Rose is that God's perfect will be done in their lives now and forever in Jesus name Amen!

6:30 PM  
Blogger Andrea said...

whwt you have taken what I have said and miscontrued it, taken it out on context and literally said things that I did not say. If I have portrayed Carman as a virginal god that means my art of communication is lacking in and important element. That element is to cause the audience to comprehend what I have stated. I have been praying for Carman for over 15 years. I don't know Rose. She is not even on my prayer list. Why are you getting bent out of shape because of the truth? Carman is once divorced and Rose is thrice divorced. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to see a pattern in Rose's life. Hopefully your conscience will be your guide. Let us major on dispensing God's love to a sick and dying world. Let us pray for the hearts of unbelievers to be drawn by the Holy Spirit to Jesus. There is a world that needs to hear the gospel. Let us send the light! God is love. The Bible tells us to shun the very appearance of evil. I know Carman I don't know Rose.

1:20 PM  
Blogger Andrea said...

Just because I pray for Carman does not mean that I have put him on a padestal. My prayers for Carman usually starts with me praying in my prayer language. I am persona non grata with Carman's chat room. That is how much I am held in high esteem by them. However, I am a prayer warrior. As a partner with Carman's ministry for over 15 years I am seeking God's direction. I am trying not to be judgmental against Carman, Rose and Mario Murillo. They both at some time slept with this woman. As did at least one other man. I also liked Mario Murillo's ministry. When a preacher preaches under the anointing I get excited with God. That does not mean I am longing to marry them. God has to reveal to me about Carman and Rose. He knows them better than I do. I hesitate to judge Carman because I have always thought well of him. Rose, on the other hand, I know absolutely nothing about. God tells us to Bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you and pray for them that depitefully use you and persecute you. Now Carman has not gotten the chance to do any of those to me so it is not a hard thing for me to pray for him.

12:05 PM  
Blogger Andrea said...

Sorry for the typos in the previous comments. I am suffering from neck pain and it is hard to turn my head. Luv yu all!

12:09 PM  
Blogger Andrea said...

As I was reflecting on some scriptures the following come to my mind.

"It has been said, "anyone aho divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce. But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, causes her to become an adulteress, and anyone who marries the divorced woman commits adultery."
Matthew 5:31,32 NIV

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the same measure you use, it will be measured to you."
Matthew 7:1,2 NIV

My advice to Carman and Rose is that they seek God's direction and approval in all that they do. His Blood has covered their sins and we may remember what they did but Jesus is perfect and as long as they are washed in the Blood of Jesus they are clean before Him.

"My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin we have one who speaks to the Father in our defense--Jesus Christ, the Righteous One."
I John 2:1 NIV

1:24 PM  
Blogger Andrea said...

whwt I have heard that, rumor or reality, Rose was married to Mario Murillo. Also, rumor or reality, she was married to Carman and one other person. You are right I don't know her. However, you are wrong, I know very little about her.

Do you know where I can get some positive information about Rose? Does she have a website? Carman has said very little, that I know of, about Rose. Rumor has it that she is a public speaker. Maybe you could fill me in on the positive aspects concerning Rose. Someone has stated that she is a "babe." Carman has said, and let me paraphrase, that she has financial smarts.

Rose appear and let us hear from you! Are you a rumor or a reality? Rose we want to hear your side of the rumor or reality story. Fun aside I really love Rose as I love myself. If she is a reality she is my neighbor. Luv yu all! Please love yourselves or you can't love your neighbor!

8:16 AM  
Blogger Andrea said...

whwt to be honest I have not yet heard any of Carman's public remarks. I know what he said in his Rumor and Reality section. What goes on over the internet is tabloid activity and we have to be careful and sift what we read. Rumors are a lot of times imbedded in reality.

5:36 PM  
Blogger Andrea said...

I confess that I am a part of the tabloid mania that has overtaken the internet. However, God is still working on me. When we succumb to tabloid tactics it is the flesh rising up. It has to be crucified daily. You have now revealed one of my vices. Good for you whwt. I cringe in the presence of those that are so perfect. Your comments, I guess, have no smell of tabloid tactics. May God have mercy on me for resorting to what seems to be tabloid tactics.

You have gone a step further and exposed me as being a part of Carman's inner circle. I reveal basic information that is available to all who know where to get it from. If knowledge of where to go to get information from Carman means I am special well well well. whwt it is not that hard to get information from Carman. Believe me!

4:27 PM  
Blogger Andrea said...

Well I guess all the discussion about Carman has been exhausted. Guess what? There is so much about Jesus to talk about. As for me I just love my Jesus more and more each day. I can talk to him anytime of the day or night. He is slow to anger and swift to bless. He knows us better than anybody else.

Some of my relatives claim that they don't understand me. However, Jsus understands me better than I understand myself. To those of you that know Jesus personally,let me say, "keep the faith." To those of you that don't know him personally, let me say, "you just gotta meet Him. He is so loving and compassionate. He is understanding and he never hurts your feelings. He is the best friend you could ever have."

Read the gospel of John in the Bible. You should be born again by the time you are finished reading the gospel of John. To my born again brothers and sisters please practice love. Practice makes perfect. Love you all.

6:11 PM  
Blogger Andrea said...

A scripture passage that I want to share with you today is Phillipians 2:3. Some time ago I read a book by Rick Joyner titled "Final Quest" One thing that stood out in my memory as a result of reading that book is the importance of humility.

Rick stated that he had a revelation from God. In this revelation he was taken up to heaven and encountered many doors. Each door had a diffent name. He would enter one door after the other. Some doors took him a little higher others took him nowhere or in circles.
However, when he entered the door named, humility, he was instantly propelled to the top.

So while pondering my foggy memories of Rick Joyner's book I thought about Phillippians 2:3 which states the following:-
"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves." NIV

Others seems to be our neighbours. Anyone who is not ourself. It is a challenge for me to do this. However, I have set my face like a flint to obey God's word including Phillipians 2:3. Maybe some of you will take up this challenge. Those of you that choose to do so are in my prayers. May God help us to take His word, obey it and shine it all around in Jesus name amen.
Luv yu all!

1:47 PM  
Blogger Andrea said...

Hi everyone! While endeavoring to practice Phillipians 2:3 I decided to look on some other translations of the same text. Two versions stood out for me.

They are 1. The New American Standard Bible Update which is as follows:-
" Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves;"

2. The New International Reader's Version which is as follows:-
"Don't do anything only to get ahead. Don't do it because you are proud. Instead be free of pride. Think of others as better than yourselves."

It is a struggle for me to walk in humitlity. My ego is always popping up and seeking to be pampered. However, I know God wants me to walk in humility. When there is an argument I always want to be right. When I remember Philippians 2:3 I will yield my desire to be right. (Ouch)

I don't want to strive to be humble just to get to the top. I want to strive to be humble because it is God's will for me. Let me confess that seeing myself at the top was a primary motivation until I read The New International Reader's Version of Philippians 2:3. I was convicted and had to change my thoughts.

Nevertheless, I am aware that practising humility is God's will and will give me an express ride to the top. My motives for practising humility have changed overnight.

I don't claim to have all the answers and to always do what is right. God is still molding me and at times it is a painful process. However, I am learning to give up my rights and just yield. It is like "let go and let God."

So, my honies, let us practice love and humility. Luv yu all!

2:23 PM  
Blogger Andrea said...

Hello to all of you. Tomorrow is the Jewish Day of Atonement, popularly called, Yom Kippur. It is a day of soul searching. A day we make up to all the people we have hurt. Let me say to relatives, friends and acquaintances, "If I have hurt any of you in any way I am sorry and I ask you to forgive me."

If I have said anything in this blog that has caused Carman, Rose, Vada, Momma Nancy, any of the chatters or anyone else to be hurt let me say to you, "so sorry, please forgive me." Luv yu all!

4:49 PM  
Blogger Pinky said...

Dude? What is the big deal on if Carman got married or not? I hope he is! The man's been waiting for a long time to experience the "joys" of marriage. Based only upon his strong character and personality that comes out when he writes, sings, and produces his own, thanks to the wisdom of God, and that is obviously the man's gift from God himself. It takes alot of seeking God's face to get as far as Carman has. Even being Carman, he didn't do alone. He had help, and I'm so sure that he prayed alot on whether or not what he chose to do as a career and passion for Christ was really God's will for his life. The whole prayer thing has been working for him thus far, so a decision about a life long commitment i.e. marriage, I'm sure Carman spent quite abit of years on his knees asking for guidance from the very one who gave him words to sing and write. I hope the man is happy! I hope he has lots and lots of babies. What Christian woman doesn't know about Carman? Huh? Everyone! OMG! He's a woman's man, and a man's man, ya know. AND he's good lookin! That has been alot of woman's dream to one day "marry" Carman. How about this one. Let God's will be done, and not our own. Made me somewhat sad too at first that he might be married, but dang man, he's been waiting for a long, long time. God doesn't want us to be lonely, depressed, or even sad. I don't think he wants us obsessive either. I personally believe that if he is married, "Good lookin out God"! I'm sure, well I can only hope they are very happy and blessed.

Thank you Carman for following the word of Truth, and giving yourself selflessly to Jesus Christ, who has used you as his tool to witness to many parts of the body of Christ. You are a true Levite and a blessing to me. Thanks for giving your life to God, and loving him. It shows your devotion, in all the gifts that God has given you, and the ability to use them wisely.

God Bless You and Yours,

12:37 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi, Im your cousin Lorraine from Trenton, you probably dont remember me I am one of the Twins (varsalona). You look exactly as you did when we were young. Life must be good. Anyway I went on Debbie Luizzo Facebook and saw you. You are wonderful!!! God Bless you. Amazing.

9:19 AM  
Blogger Rhonda Lynn said...

Carman's life belongs to him

5:39 AM  
Blogger Rhonda Lynn said...

Carman's life belongs to him. God has confirmed him, and gossip just isn't right with God. So, quiet.

5:40 AM  
Blogger C-stoner said...

I really have no idea if Carman married somebody then, later, got an annulment. I tuned off of Carman when I saw that stupid movie, "The champion" & couldn't get an answer to my repeated calls regarding it. If Carman entered into a bad marriage & then opted out he can be forgiven, that is not the issue. We have at least 2 other Christian musicians now boasting of an active Gay lifestyle & saying it's ok. I forgive Carman for an error in judgement.

10:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am posting this comment in order that it be recognized that Gossip is improper, and most often invades the privacy or truth of another; much too often imposed by a world of accusation and invades the right of the human existence.

Would you offer or answer a worlds questions if it were what you considered imtimate and private? I believe not.

12:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What would Jesus do? or, what would Jesus say about your rumors?

I believe that our Lord would say, "Gossip is unacceptable and intrusive".

The Man of God's job is to preach Jesus, to glorify God, teach others the way to eternal life in Christ; but it is not part of his job to tell you the imtimate detais and private things of his life. Do you? Would you appreciate it if gossipmongers took your intimate and sensitive matters about?

12:55 PM  
Blogger Buzzsaw said...

Carman already beat up the Devil, and I think he will continue undefeated. Rock on Carman, you are a beautiful soul.

7:47 PM  
Blogger Buzzsaw said...

Carman is annointed. Plus heis willing to beat up the Devil in the ring. Amen.

7:48 PM  
Blogger Buzzsaw said...

Carman, when you sing, the Devil is afraid.

7:49 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hello Carman
You will probably never know me this side of Heaven but I want you to know I have been an avid fan since your earliest days when you sang in San Jose at the Bethel Church. I have gone to your concerts at the Oakland arena twice. To me you are my dear brother in Christ. Rumors are a nasty that spread through the church like wild fire. Evil speech wounding are beloved in the Lord without mercy. I heard rumors of mistakes you may have made. People forget that the famous have the same struggles as everyone else and if you fell brother I will pray you will be healed and whole again. If it is a vicious lie I pray the person who started it is stopped. As for me, you will always be a champion for God, and nobody has any room to judge you. When I heard this rumor my heart was so sad, but I remember the days Carman when you stood and told the audience your heart and it is a kind and brave one from what I gathered. We all have our own skeletons in the closet and I will not stand on a soap box with anyone until my closet is spotless. I can only leave you with this - May the Lord bless you and keep you, May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you, May the Lord lift His Countenance upon you and give you strength. I love you my dear brother

5:34 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

5:37 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Many years have passed since these posts were written. It is now May, 2013 and Carman is alive and is praying that God will give him the strength to perform in one more tour. The first big tour in many years. However, he has Multiple Myeloma Cancer, of which there is no cure.
I know little about Carman's life in recent years. I read that he was married to Mario Murillo's 2nd wife, Murillo subsequently remarried his first wife
Carman is single and most likely will stay that way until his Cancer takes him away, unless God chooses to heal his body. He has been given a 2 to 4 year window of time before the cancer takes him.
I will continue to pray for him that he isn't in too much discomfort. God's blessings on all.

8:13 PM  
Blogger ixoye said...

All of this musical beds 'like musical chairs 'of Christians is churning my stomach sick.

11:29 AM  
Blogger God Withstands the Proud said...

No, he's NOT sick with cancer, never was!! He's a user and an abuser!! And using the people he can, for monetary GAIN, even though he's worth 20 MILLION. He is NOT an anointed man of God! He's a self-exalting FRAUD, along with the Crouches, having gotten rich off the backs of the believing. And WE fell for it all. Who threw the moneychangers out of the temple? He will do it again.

9:25 AM  
Blogger Beautiful Sunrise - Anna Marie said...

Carman stole the wife of Mario Murillo and married her in Las Vegas, Nevada in Clark county. Look him up in the court records. STOP IDOLIZING CARMAN. HE'S A SINNER LIKE THE REST OF YOU.

3:00 AM  
Blogger Beautiful Sunrise - Anna Marie said...

Search for marriage records in Clark County, Nevada under Licciardello, Carman. instrument: 20040108263639900 and 20040108363639900 Carman married Rose Grissett Villamil on January 8, 2004 at noon in the Las Vegas Chapel in Clark County, Nevada.

3:23 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I've been a huge fan of Carmen since I was saved in 1989. When I first found out that he hooked up with his friends wife of Mario Marillo, I was very upset to s WY the least, but slot of it had to Dr o with the fact that my wife had slept with my best friend after I had cheated 95 her, how dare she, joke. Now that I look back on it, it was the onslaught of satan, tod at my wife and I have two beautiful boys, 8 and 4 years old, and our relationship is dealer than ever brgore, I forgave her and she forgave me, and God has restored our relationship beyond anything I could ever express in words. Now I'm 45 years old and there is NO OTHER WOMAN IN THIS ENTIRE WORKS THAT HAS MY HEART , MY MIND, MY EYES AND NY SOUL.
Carmen is just a man as well, I think sometimes we forget 5 hat because he's a star. He to was and still is a target of the devil, just g or the fact that Carmen advances God's Kingdom and wins souls for the Lord. Look at King David, God called him ,"a man after God's own hesrt", but yet he murdered a man just to be with his wife. There is only one who is perfect, the one and only, Jesus, God in the flesh, the Son of the Living God. So I have no stones to throw and neither does anyone else, shame on you, those of you who throw stones at Carmen, he's a man of God, and I believe we all make mistakes. Carmen, if you ever read this, I love you Bro and have the deepest respect and am and always shall be your number one fan. Please call sometime, 907-830-4244, I don't take blocked calls, Carmen you rock.
Love ALWAYS Corey Hackley

4:12 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Then maybe you should just listen to secular music and throw your stones ar them, the apostle Paul said something like this, “If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love, I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. And if I give all my possessions to feed the poor and if I surrender my body to be burned but do not have love, it profits me nothing. Love is patient, love is kind, it is not jealous; love does not brag, it is not arrogant, it does not act unbecomingly, it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails; but if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be done away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part but when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away. When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things. For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known. But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love.” ... my name is Corey and I want you to know that even though I don't know you or that we may never meet, I love you and God loves you even more, take care my friend, ps I was being sarcastic about the you should just listen to secular music.

6:08 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Wow, sounds like you have hate in your heart, how about praying for him instead of throwing stones, love you Brothrr

6:11 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

You mean he's a sinner saved by grace like the rest of US. : )

6:22 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I Can't believe there's an actual website forum that only talks about Carmens mistake, we all fall short of God's Standard, all of us, especially me. On that note please keep me and my two sons and wife in your prayers, thank you.

6:27 PM  
Blogger Beautiful Sunrise - Anna Marie said...

You shouldn't idolize Carman because he is human and wrong, to the point that people who know him actually think he a reprobate soul unable to repent. Anyone can preach Jesus. Just because someone preaches Jesus on a platform doesn't mean he got good motives for it. He preaches Jesus for money. I don't think he believes in miracles and I believe he faked his illness to lie about being healed to make his ministry more believable.

6:39 PM  
Blogger BeautifulSunrise said...

Michelle, I'm sick of your idolatry of Carman Licciardello. That's why I haven't been on this page. You worship Carman instead of Christ Jesus. If you were to be in the same church as Carman he'd throw you out of the church building, or rather his he'll sick his security guards on you or his sick groupie female friends to throw you out of church. He only wants your money and to keep his distance away from you if you like him. His whole family hates you and other women like you. Carman worships black people and thinks they're the only people who have the holy spirit and pray heaven down for him. And he is best friends with Carlton Pearson, the widely acclaimed heretic who preaches black people are now gods and white people are washed out from the gene pool, which makes Carman think he's a god also and Carman doesn't worship Jesus either, they're into God without Jesus. Carman is nothing like what he sings about, and there's a Carman (the real Carman) who looks like a warlock mafioso, and there's a performing Carman, who is nothing like the real cold-hearted Carman. Stay away from Carman.

12:50 PM  
Blogger BeautifulSunrise said...

Click and read this:

Carman is a sinner, and a reprobate sinner. He never apologizes to anybody he hurts and never takes responsibilities for his wrong doings. His erroneous doctrine is that he can say he is not a sinner even though he sins because Christ crucified his sin and killed it. Carman is going to hell as a false prophet and evangelist. One of his friends, who was taught and acts just like him, was married to my friend's daughter who had to divorce him because he's reprobate just like Carman. Carman, Carman Ministries, and Carman's family are demonic and reprobate and they don't care who they hurt because all they want is your money, and will throw you out of his building if he even thinks you like or "love" him. The man does not know what love is. He abuses women, he stole his best friend's wife (Mario Murillo's wife Rosa Grissett Villamil. Christ Jesus is correct when He preached that one, or Carman, cannot serve God and money at the same time. Carman loves money. And so does his family. Women have waited for him to marry him in Tulsa and now they're old maids without the happiness of children.

4:52 PM  
Blogger Beautiful Sunrise - Anna Marie said...

Carman is a sinner, and a reprobate sinner. He never apologizes to anybody he hurts and never takes responsibilities for his wrong doings. His erroneous doctrine is that he can say he is not a sinner even though he sins because Christ crucified his sin and killed it. Carman is going to hell as a false prophet and evangelist. One of his friends, who was taught and acts just like him, was married to my friend's daughter who had to divorce him because he's reprobate just like Carman. Carman, Carman Ministries, and Carman's family are demonic and reprobate and they don't care who they hurt because all they want is your money, and will throw you out of his building if he even thinks you like or "love" him. The man does not know what love is. He abuses women, he stole his best friend's wife (Mario Murillo's wife Rosa Grissett Villamil. Christ Jesus is correct when He preached that one, or Carman, cannot serve God and money at the same time. Carman loves money. And so does his family. Women have waited for him to marry him in Tulsa and now they're old maids without the happiness of children.

5:56 PM  
Blogger Beautiful Sunrise - Anna Marie said...

I'm sick of your idolatry of Carman Licciardello. That's why I haven't been on this page. You worship Carman instead of Christ Jesus. If you were to be in the same church as Carman he'd throw you out of the church building, or rather his he'll sick his security guards on you or his sick groupie female friends to throw you out of church. He only wants your money and to keep his distance away from you if you like him. His whole family hates you and other women like you. Carman worships black people and thinks they're the only people who have the holy spirit and pray heaven down for him. And he is best friends with Carlton Pearson, the widely acclaimed heretic who preaches black people are now gods and white people are washed out from the gene pool, which makes Carman think he's a god also and Carman doesn't worship Jesus either, they're into God without Jesus. Carman is nothing like what he sings about, and there's a Carman (the real Carman) who looks like a warlock mafioso, and there's a performing Carman, who is nothing like the real cold-hearted Carman.

5:57 PM  
Blogger Beautiful Sunrise - Anna Marie said...

I'm sick of your idolatry of Carman Licciardello. That's why I haven't been on this page. You worship Carman instead of Christ Jesus. If you were to be in the same church as Carman he'd throw you out of the church building, or rather his he'll sick his security guards on you or his sick groupie female friends to throw you out of church. He only wants your money and to keep his distance away from you if you like him. His whole family hates you and other women like you. Carman worships black people and thinks they're the only people who have the holy spirit and pray heaven down for him. And he is best friends with Carlton Pearson, the widely acclaimed heretic who preaches black people are now gods and white people are washed out from the gene pool, which makes Carman think he's a god also and Carman doesn't worship Jesus either, they're into God without Jesus. Carman is nothing like what he sings about, and there's a Carman (the real Carman) who looks like a warlock mafioso, and there's a performing Carman, who is nothing like the real cold-hearted Carman.

Carman is a sinner, and a reprobate sinner. He never apologizes to anybody he hurts and never takes responsibilities for his wrong doings. His erroneous doctrine is that he can say he is not a sinner even though he sins because Christ crucified his sin and killed it. Carman is going to hell as a false prophet and evangelist. One of his friends, who was taught and acts just like him, was married to my friend's daughter who had to divorce him because he's reprobate just like Carman. Carman, Carman Ministries, and Carman's family are demonic and reprobate and they don't care who they hurt because all they want is your money, and will throw you out of his building if he even thinks you like or "love" him. The man does not know what love is. He abuses women, he stole his best friend's wife (Mario Murillo's wife Rosa Grissett Villamil. Christ Jesus is correct when He preached that one, or Carman, cannot serve God and money at the same time. Carman loves money. And so does his family. Women have waited for him to marry him in Tulsa and now they're old maids without the happiness of children.

6:32 PM  
Blogger Beautiful Sunrise - Anna Marie said...

I'm sick of your idolatry of Carman Licciardello. That's why I haven't been on this page. You worship Carman instead of Christ Jesus. If you were to be in the same church as Carman he'd throw you out of the church building, or rather his he'll sick his security guards on you or his sick groupie female friends to throw you out of church. He only wants your money and to keep his distance away from you if you like him. His whole family hates you and other women like you. Carman worships black people and thinks they're the only people who have the holy spirit and pray heaven down for him. And he is best friends with Carlton Pearson, the widely acclaimed heretic who preaches black people are now gods and white people are washed out from the gene pool, which makes Carman think he's a god also and Carman doesn't worship Jesus either, they're into God without Jesus. Carman is nothing like what he sings about, and there's a Carman (the real Carman) who looks like a warlock mafioso, and there's a performing Carman, who is nothing like the real cold-hearted Carman.

Carman is a sinner, and a reprobate sinner. He never apologizes to anybody he hurts and never takes responsibilities for his wrong doings. His erroneous doctrine is that he can say he is not a sinner even though he sins because Christ crucified his sin and killed it. Carman is going to hell as a false prophet and evangelist. One of his friends, who was taught and acts just like him, was married to my friend's daughter who had to divorce him because he's reprobate just like Carman. Carman, Carman Ministries, and Carman's family are demonic and reprobate and they don't care who they hurt because all they want is your money, and will throw you out of his building if he even thinks you like or "love" him. The man does not know what love is. He abuses women, he stole his best friend's wife (Mario Murillo's wife Rosa Grissett Villamil. Christ Jesus is correct when He preached that one, or Carman, cannot serve God and money at the same time. Carman loves money. And so does his family. Women have waited for him to marry him in Tulsa and now they're old maids without the happiness of children.

6:33 PM  
Blogger Beautiful Sunrise - Anna Marie said...

I'm sick of your idolatry of Carman Licciardello. That's why I haven't been on this page. You worship Carman instead of Christ Jesus. If you were to be in the same church as Carman he'd throw you out of the church building, or rather his he'll sick his security guards on you or his sick groupie female friends to throw you out of church. He only wants your money and to keep his distance away from you if you like him. His whole family hates you and other women like you. Carman worships black people and thinks they're the only people who have the holy spirit and pray heaven down for him. And he is best friends with Carlton Pearson, the widely acclaimed heretic who preaches black people are now gods and white people are washed out from the gene pool, which makes Carman think he's a god also and Carman doesn't worship Jesus either, they're into God without Jesus. Carman is nothing like what he sings about, and there's a Carman (the real Carman) who looks like a warlock mafioso, and there's a performing Carman, who is nothing like the real cold-hearted Carman.

Carman is a sinner, and a reprobate sinner. He never apologizes to anybody he hurts and never takes responsibilities for his wrong doings. His erroneous doctrine is that he can say he is not a sinner even though he sins because Christ crucified his sin and killed it. Carman is going to hell as a false prophet and evangelist. One of his friends, who was taught and acts just like him, was married to my friend's daughter who had to divorce him because he's reprobate just like Carman. Carman, Carman Ministries, and Carman's family are demonic and reprobate and they don't care who they hurt because all they want is your money, and will throw you out of his building if he even thinks you like or "love" him. The man does not know what love is. He abuses women, he stole his best friend's wife (Mario Murillo's wife Rosa Grissett Villamil. Christ Jesus is correct when He preached that one, or Carman, cannot serve God and money at the same time. Carman loves money. And so does his family. Women have waited for him to marry him in Tulsa and now they're old maids without the happiness of children.

6:33 PM  
Blogger Beautiful Sunrise - Anna Marie said...

I'm sick of your idolatry of Carman Licciardello. That's why I haven't been on this page. You worship Carman instead of Christ Jesus. If you were to be in the same church as Carman he'd throw you out of the church building, or rather his he'll sick his security guards on you or his sick groupie female friends to throw you out of church. He only wants your money and to keep his distance away from you if you like him. His whole family hates you and other women like you. Carman worships black people and thinks they're the only people who have the holy spirit and pray heaven down for him. And he is best friends with Carlton Pearson, the widely acclaimed heretic who preaches black people are now gods and white people are washed out from the gene pool, which makes Carman think he's a god also and Carman doesn't worship Jesus either, they're into God without Jesus. Carman is nothing like what he sings about, and there's a Carman (the real Carman) who looks like a warlock mafioso, and there's a performing Carman, who is nothing like the real cold-hearted Carman.

Carman is a sinner, and a reprobate sinner. He never apologizes to anybody he hurts and never takes responsibilities for his wrong doings. His erroneous doctrine is that he can say he is not a sinner even though he sins because Christ crucified his sin and killed it. Carman is going to hell as a false prophet and evangelist. One of his friends, who was taught and acts just like him, was married to my friend's daughter who had to divorce him because he's reprobate just like Carman. Carman, Carman Ministries, and Carman's family are demonic and reprobate and they don't care who they hurt because all they want is your money, and will throw you out of his building if he even thinks you like or "love" him. The man does not know what love is. He abuses women, he stole his best friend's wife (Mario Murillo's wife Rosa Grissett Villamil. Christ Jesus is correct when He preached that one, or Carman, cannot serve God and money at the same time. Carman loves money. And so does his family. Women have waited for him to marry him in Tulsa and now they're old maids without the happiness of children.

6:33 PM  
Blogger Beautiful Sunrise - Anna Marie said...

I'm sick of your idolatry of Carman Licciardello. That's why I haven't been on this page. You worship Carman instead of Christ Jesus. If you were to be in the same church as Carman he'd throw you out of the church building, or rather his he'll sick his security guards on you or his sick groupie female friends to throw you out of church. He only wants your money and to keep his distance away from you if you like him. His whole family hates you and other women like you. Carman worships black people and thinks they're the only people who have the holy spirit and pray heaven down for him. And he is best friends with Carlton Pearson, the widely acclaimed heretic who preaches black people are now gods and white people are washed out from the gene pool, which makes Carman think he's a god also and Carman doesn't worship Jesus either, they're into God without Jesus. Carman is nothing like what he sings about, and there's a Carman (the real Carman) who looks like a warlock mafioso, and there's a performing Carman, who is nothing like the real cold-hearted Carman.

Carman is a sinner, and a reprobate sinner. He never apologizes to anybody he hurts and never takes responsibilities for his wrong doings. His erroneous doctrine is that he can say he is not a sinner even though he sins because Christ crucified his sin and killed it. Carman is going to hell as a false prophet and evangelist. One of his friends, who was taught and acts just like him, was married to my friend's daughter who had to divorce him because he's reprobate just like Carman. Carman, Carman Ministries, and Carman's family are demonic and reprobate and they don't care who they hurt because all they want is your money, and will throw you out of his building if he even thinks you like or "love" him. The man does not know what love is. He abuses women, he stole his best friend's wife (Mario Murillo's wife Rosa Grissett Villamil. Christ Jesus is correct when He preached that one, or Carman, cannot serve God and money at the same time. Carman loves money. And so does his family. Women have waited for him to marry him in Tulsa and now they're old maids without the happiness of children.

6:34 PM  
Blogger Beautiful Sunrise - Anna Marie said...

I'm sick of your idolatry of Carman Licciardello. That's why I haven't been on this page. You worship Carman instead of Christ Jesus. If you were to be in the same church as Carman he'd throw you out of the church building, or rather his he'll sick his security guards on you or his sick groupie female friends to throw you out of church. He only wants your money and to keep his distance away from you if you like him. His whole family hates you and other women like you. Carman worships black people and thinks they're the only people who have the holy spirit and pray heaven down for him. And he is best friends with Carlton Pearson, the widely acclaimed heretic who preaches black people are now gods and white people are washed out from the gene pool, which makes Carman think he's a god also and Carman doesn't worship Jesus either, they're into God without Jesus. Carman is nothing like what he sings about, and there's a Carman (the real Carman) who looks like a warlock mafioso, and there's a performing Carman, who is nothing like the real cold-hearted Carman.

Carman is a sinner, and a reprobate sinner. He never apologizes to anybody he hurts and never takes responsibilities for his wrong doings. His erroneous doctrine is that he can say he is not a sinner even though he sins because Christ crucified his sin and killed it. Carman is going to hell as a false prophet and evangelist. One of his friends, who was taught and acts just like him, was married to my friend's daughter who had to divorce him because he's reprobate just like Carman. Carman, Carman Ministries, and Carman's family are demonic and reprobate and they don't care who they hurt because all they want is your money, and will throw you out of his building if he even thinks you like or "love" him. The man does not know what love is. He abuses women, he stole his best friend's wife (Mario Murillo's wife Rosa Grissett Villamil. Christ Jesus is correct when He preached that one, or Carman, cannot serve God and money at the same time. Carman loves money. And so does his family. Women have waited for him to marry him in Tulsa and now they're old maids without the happiness of children.

6:35 PM  
Blogger Beautiful Sunrise - Anna Marie said...

I'm sick of your idolatry of Carman Licciardello. That's why I haven't been on this page. You worship Carman instead of Christ Jesus. If you were to be in the same church as Carman he'd throw you out of the church building, or rather his he'll sick his security guards on you or his sick groupie female friends to throw you out of church. He only wants your money and to keep his distance away from you if you like him. His whole family hates you and other women like you. Carman worships black people and thinks they're the only people who have the holy spirit and pray heaven down for him. And he is best friends with Carlton Pearson, the widely acclaimed heretic who preaches black people are now gods and white people are washed out from the gene pool, which makes Carman think he's a god also and Carman doesn't worship Jesus either, they're into God without Jesus. Carman is nothing like what he sings about, and there's a Carman (the real Carman) who looks like a warlock mafioso, and there's a performing Carman, who is nothing like the real cold-hearted Carman.

Carman is a sinner, and a reprobate sinner. He never apologizes to anybody he hurts and never takes responsibilities for his wrong doings. His erroneous doctrine is that he can say he is not a sinner even though he sins because Christ crucified his sin and killed it. Carman is going to hell as a false prophet and evangelist. One of his friends, who was taught and acts just like him, was married to my friend's daughter who had to divorce him because he's reprobate just like Carman. Carman, Carman Ministries, and Carman's family are demonic and reprobate and they don't care who they hurt because all they want is your money, and will throw you out of his building if he even thinks you like or "love" him. The man does not know what love is. He abuses women, he stole his best friend's wife (Mario Murillo's wife Rosa Grissett Villamil. Christ Jesus is correct when He preached that one, or Carman, cannot serve God and money at the same time. Carman loves money. And so does his family. Women have waited for him to marry him in Tulsa and now they're old maids without the happiness of children.

6:35 PM  
Blogger Beautiful Sunrise - Anna Marie said...

I'm sick of your idolatry of Carman Licciardello. That's why I haven't been on this page. You worship Carman instead of Christ Jesus. If you were to be in the same church as Carman he'd throw you out of the church building, or rather his he'll sick his security guards on you or his sick groupie female friends to throw you out of church. He only wants your money and to keep his distance away from you if you like him. His whole family hates you and other women like you. Carman worships black people and thinks they're the only people who have the holy spirit and pray heaven down for him. And he is best friends with Carlton Pearson, the widely acclaimed heretic who preaches black people are now gods and white people are washed out from the gene pool, which makes Carman think he's a god also and Carman doesn't worship Jesus either, they're into God without Jesus. Carman is nothing like what he sings about, and there's a Carman (the real Carman) who looks like a warlock mafioso, and there's a performing Carman, who is nothing like the real cold-hearted Carman.

Carman is a sinner, and a reprobate sinner. He never apologizes to anybody he hurts and never takes responsibilities for his wrong doings. His erroneous doctrine is that he can say he is not a sinner even though he sins because Christ crucified his sin and killed it. Carman is going to hell as a false prophet and evangelist. One of his friends, who was taught and acts just like him, was married to my friend's daughter who had to divorce him because he's reprobate just like Carman. Carman, Carman Ministries, and Carman's family are demonic and reprobate and they don't care who they hurt because all they want is your money, and will throw you out of his building if he even thinks you like or "love" him. The man does not know what love is. He abuses women, he stole his best friend's wife (Mario Murillo's wife Rosa Grissett Villamil. Christ Jesus is correct when He preached that one, or Carman, cannot serve God and money at the same time. Carman loves money. And so does his family. Women have waited for him to marry him in Tulsa and now they're old maids without the happiness of children.

6:36 PM  
Blogger Beautiful Sunrise - Anna Marie said...

I'm sick of your idolatry of Carman Licciardello. That's why I haven't been on this page. You worship Carman instead of Christ Jesus. If you were to be in the same church as Carman he'd throw you out of the church building, or rather his he'll sick his security guards on you or his sick groupie female friends to throw you out of church. He only wants your money and to keep his distance away from you if you like him. His whole family hates you and other women like you. Carman worships black people and thinks they're the only people who have the holy spirit and pray heaven down for him. And he is best friends with Carlton Pearson, the widely acclaimed heretic who preaches black people are now gods and white people are washed out from the gene pool, which makes Carman think he's a god also and Carman doesn't worship Jesus either, they're into God without Jesus. Carman is nothing like what he sings about, and there's a Carman (the real Carman) who looks like a warlock mafioso, and there's a performing Carman, who is nothing like the real cold-hearted Carman.

Carman is a sinner, and a reprobate sinner. He never apologizes to anybody he hurts and never takes responsibilities for his wrong doings. His erroneous doctrine is that he can say he is not a sinner even though he sins because Christ crucified his sin and killed it. Carman is going to hell as a false prophet and evangelist. One of his friends, who was taught and acts just like him, was married to my friend's daughter who had to divorce him because he's reprobate just like Carman. Carman, Carman Ministries, and Carman's family are demonic and reprobate and they don't care who they hurt because all they want is your money, and will throw you out of his building if he even thinks you like or "love" him. The man does not know what love is. He abuses women, he stole his best friend's wife (Mario Murillo's wife Rosa Grissett Villamil. Christ Jesus is correct when He preached that one, or Carman, cannot serve God and money at the same time. Carman loves money. And so does his family. Women have waited for him to marry him in Tulsa and now they're old maids without the happiness of children.

6:36 PM  
Blogger Beautiful Sunrise - Anna Marie said...

I'm sick of your idolatry of Carman Licciardello. That's why I haven't been on this page. You worship Carman instead of Christ Jesus. If you were to be in the same church as Carman he'd throw you out of the church building, or rather his he'll sick his security guards on you or his sick groupie female friends to throw you out of church. He only wants your money and to keep his distance away from you if you like him. His whole family hates you and other women like you. Carman worships black people and thinks they're the only people who have the holy spirit and pray heaven down for him. And he is best friends with Carlton Pearson, the widely acclaimed heretic who preaches black people are now gods and white people are washed out from the gene pool, which makes Carman think he's a god also and Carman doesn't worship Jesus either, they're into God without Jesus. Carman is nothing like what he sings about, and there's a Carman (the real Carman) who looks like a warlock mafioso, and there's a performing Carman, who is nothing like the real cold-hearted Carman.

Carman is a sinner, and a reprobate sinner. He never apologizes to anybody he hurts and never takes responsibilities for his wrong doings. His erroneous doctrine is that he can say he is not a sinner even though he sins because Christ crucified his sin and killed it. Carman is going to hell as a false prophet and evangelist. One of his friends, who was taught and acts just like him, was married to my friend's daughter who had to divorce him because he's reprobate just like Carman. Carman, Carman Ministries, and Carman's family are demonic and reprobate and they don't care who they hurt because all they want is your money, and will throw you out of his building if he even thinks you like or "love" him. The man does not know what love is. He abuses women, he stole his best friend's wife (Mario Murillo's wife Rosa Grissett Villamil. Christ Jesus is correct when He preached that one, or Carman, cannot serve God and money at the same time. Carman loves money. And so does his family. Women have waited for him to marry him in Tulsa and now they're old maids without the happiness of children.

6:37 PM  
Blogger Beautiful Sunrise - Anna Marie said...

I'm sick of your idolatry of Carman Licciardello. That's why I haven't been on this page. You worship Carman instead of Christ Jesus. If you were to be in the same church as Carman he'd throw you out of the church building, or rather his he'll sick his security guards on you or his sick groupie female friends to throw you out of church. He only wants your money and to keep his distance away from you if you like him. His whole family hates you and other women like you. Carman worships black people and thinks they're the only people who have the holy spirit and pray heaven down for him. And he is best friends with Carlton Pearson, the widely acclaimed heretic who preaches black people are now gods and white people are washed out from the gene pool, which makes Carman think he's a god also and Carman doesn't worship Jesus either, they're into God without Jesus. Carman is nothing like what he sings about, and there's a Carman (the real Carman) who looks like a warlock mafioso, and there's a performing Carman, who is nothing like the real cold-hearted Carman.

Carman is a sinner, and a reprobate sinner. He never apologizes to anybody he hurts and never takes responsibilities for his wrong doings. His erroneous doctrine is that he can say he is not a sinner even though he sins because Christ crucified his sin and killed it. Carman is going to hell as a false prophet and evangelist. One of his friends, who was taught and acts just like him, was married to my friend's daughter who had to divorce him because he's reprobate just like Carman. Carman, Carman Ministries, and Carman's family are demonic and reprobate and they don't care who they hurt because all they want is your money, and will throw you out of his building if he even thinks you like or "love" him. The man does not know what love is. He abuses women, he stole his best friend's wife (Mario Murillo's wife Rosa Grissett Villamil. Christ Jesus is correct when He preached that one, or Carman, cannot serve God and money at the same time. Carman loves money. And so does his family. Women have waited for him to marry him in Tulsa and now they're old maids without the happiness of children.

6:37 PM  
Blogger Beautiful Sunrise - Anna Marie said...

I'm sick of your idolatry of Carman Licciardello. That's why I haven't been on this page. You worship Carman instead of Christ Jesus. If you were to be in the same church as Carman he'd throw you out of the church building, or rather his he'll sick his security guards on you or his sick groupie female friends to throw you out of church. He only wants your money and to keep his distance away from you if you like him. His whole family hates you and other women like you. Carman worships black people and thinks they're the only people who have the holy spirit and pray heaven down for him. And he is best friends with Carlton Pearson, the widely acclaimed heretic who preaches black people are now gods and white people are washed out from the gene pool, which makes Carman think he's a god also and Carman doesn't worship Jesus either, they're into God without Jesus. Carman is nothing like what he sings about, and there's a Carman (the real Carman) who looks like a warlock mafioso, and there's a performing Carman, who is nothing like the real cold-hearted Carman.

Carman is a sinner, and a reprobate sinner. He never apologizes to anybody he hurts and never takes responsibilities for his wrong doings. His erroneous doctrine is that he can say he is not a sinner even though he sins because Christ crucified his sin and killed it. Carman is going to hell as a false prophet and evangelist. One of his friends, who was taught and acts just like him, was married to my friend's daughter who had to divorce him because he's reprobate just like Carman. Carman, Carman Ministries, and Carman's family are demonic and reprobate and they don't care who they hurt because all they want is your money, and will throw you out of his building if he even thinks you like or "love" him. The man does not know what love is. He abuses women, he stole his best friend's wife (Mario Murillo's wife Rosa Grissett Villamil. Christ Jesus is correct when He preached that one, or Carman, cannot serve God and money at the same time. Carman loves money. And so does his family. Women have waited for him to marry him in Tulsa and now they're old maids without the happiness of children.

6:38 PM  
Blogger Beautiful Sunrise - Anna Marie said...

I'm sick of your idolatry of Carman Licciardello. That's why I haven't been on this page. You worship Carman instead of Christ Jesus. If you were to be in the same church as Carman he'd throw you out of the church building, or rather his he'll sick his security guards on you or his sick groupie female friends to throw you out of church. He only wants your money and to keep his distance away from you if you like him. His whole family hates you and other women like you. Carman worships black people and thinks they're the only people who have the holy spirit and pray heaven down for him. And he is best friends with Carlton Pearson, the widely acclaimed heretic who preaches black people are now gods and white people are washed out from the gene pool, which makes Carman think he's a god also and Carman doesn't worship Jesus either, they're into God without Jesus. Carman is nothing like what he sings about, and there's a Carman (the real Carman) who looks like a warlock mafioso, and there's a performing Carman, who is nothing like the real cold-hearted Carman.

Carman is a sinner, and a reprobate sinner. He never apologizes to anybody he hurts and never takes responsibilities for his wrong doings. His erroneous doctrine is that he can say he is not a sinner even though he sins because Christ crucified his sin and killed it. Carman is going to hell as a false prophet and evangelist. One of his friends, who was taught and acts just like him, was married to my friend's daughter who had to divorce him because he's reprobate just like Carman. Carman, Carman Ministries, and Carman's family are demonic and reprobate and they don't care who they hurt because all they want is your money, and will throw you out of his building if he even thinks you like or "love" him. The man does not know what love is. He abuses women, he stole his best friend's wife (Mario Murillo's wife Rosa Grissett Villamil. Christ Jesus is correct when He preached that one, or Carman, cannot serve God and money at the same time. Carman loves money. And so does his family. Women have waited for him to marry him in Tulsa and now they're old maids without the happiness of children.

6:38 PM  
Blogger Beautiful Sunrise - Anna Marie said...

I'm sick of your idolatry of Carman Licciardello. That's why I haven't been on this page. You worship Carman instead of Christ Jesus. If you were to be in the same church as Carman he'd throw you out of the church building, or rather his he'll sick his security guards on you or his sick groupie female friends to throw you out of church. He only wants your money and to keep his distance away from you if you like him. His whole family hates you and other women like you. Carman worships black people and thinks they're the only people who have the holy spirit and pray heaven down for him. And he is best friends with Carlton Pearson, the widely acclaimed heretic who preaches black people are now gods and white people are washed out from the gene pool, which makes Carman think he's a god also and Carman doesn't worship Jesus either, they're into God without Jesus. Carman is nothing like what he sings about, and there's a Carman (the real Carman) who looks like a warlock mafioso, and there's a performing Carman, who is nothing like the real cold-hearted Carman.

Carman is a sinner, and a reprobate sinner. He never apologizes to anybody he hurts and never takes responsibilities for his wrong doings. His erroneous doctrine is that he can say he is not a sinner even though he sins because Christ crucified his sin and killed it. Carman is going to hell as a false prophet and evangelist. One of his friends, who was taught and acts just like him, was married to my friend's daughter who had to divorce him because he's reprobate just like Carman. Carman, Carman Ministries, and Carman's family are demonic and reprobate and they don't care who they hurt because all they want is your money, and will throw you out of his building if he even thinks you like or "love" him. The man does not know what love is. He abuses women, he stole his best friend's wife (Mario Murillo's wife Rosa Grissett Villamil. Christ Jesus is correct when He preached that one, or Carman, cannot serve God and money at the same time. Carman loves money. And so does his family. Women have waited for him to marry him in Tulsa and now they're old maids without the happiness of children.

6:39 PM  
Blogger Beautiful Sunrise - Anna Marie said...

I'm sick of your idolatry of Carman Licciardello. That's why I haven't been on this page. You worship Carman instead of Christ Jesus. If you were to be in the same church as Carman he'd throw you out of the church building, or rather his he'll sick his security guards on you or his sick groupie female friends to throw you out of church. He only wants your money and to keep his distance away from you if you like him. His whole family hates you and other women like you. Carman worships black people and thinks they're the only people who have the holy spirit and pray heaven down for him. And he is best friends with Carlton Pearson, the widely acclaimed heretic who preaches black people are now gods and white people are washed out from the gene pool, which makes Carman think he's a god also and Carman doesn't worship Jesus either, they're into God without Jesus. Carman is nothing like what he sings about, and there's a Carman (the real Carman) who looks like a warlock mafioso, and there's a performing Carman, who is nothing like the real cold-hearted Carman.

Carman is a sinner, and a reprobate sinner. He never apologizes to anybody he hurts and never takes responsibilities for his wrong doings. His erroneous doctrine is that he can say he is not a sinner even though he sins because Christ crucified his sin and killed it. Carman is going to hell as a false prophet and evangelist. One of his friends, who was taught and acts just like him, was married to my friend's daughter who had to divorce him because he's reprobate just like Carman. Carman, Carman Ministries, and Carman's family are demonic and reprobate and they don't care who they hurt because all they want is your money, and will throw you out of his building if he even thinks you like or "love" him. The man does not know what love is. He abuses women, he stole his best friend's wife (Mario Murillo's wife Rosa Grissett Villamil. Christ Jesus is correct when He preached that one, or Carman, cannot serve God and money at the same time. Carman loves money. And so does his family. Women have waited for him to marry him in Tulsa and now they're old maids without the happiness of children.

6:40 PM  
Blogger Beautiful Sunrise - Anna Marie said...

I'm sick of your idolatry of Carman Licciardello. That's why I haven't been on this page. You worship Carman instead of Christ Jesus. If you were to be in the same church as Carman he'd throw you out of the church building, or rather his he'll sick his security guards on you or his sick groupie female friends to throw you out of church. He only wants your money and to keep his distance away from you if you like him. His whole family hates you and other women like you. Carman worships black people and thinks they're the only people who have the holy spirit and pray heaven down for him. And he is best friends with Carlton Pearson, the widely acclaimed heretic who preaches black people are now gods and white people are washed out from the gene pool, which makes Carman think he's a god also and Carman doesn't worship Jesus either, they're into God without Jesus. Carman is nothing like what he sings about, and there's a Carman (the real Carman) who looks like a warlock mafioso, and there's a performing Carman, who is nothing like the real cold-hearted Carman.

Carman is a sinner, and a reprobate sinner. He never apologizes to anybody he hurts and never takes responsibilities for his wrong doings. His erroneous doctrine is that he can say he is not a sinner even though he sins because Christ crucified his sin and killed it. Carman is going to hell as a false prophet and evangelist. One of his friends, who was taught and acts just like him, was married to my friend's daughter who had to divorce him because he's reprobate just like Carman. Carman, Carman Ministries, and Carman's family are demonic and reprobate and they don't care who they hurt because all they want is your money, and will throw you out of his building if he even thinks you like or "love" him. The man does not know what love is. He abuses women, he stole his best friend's wife (Mario Murillo's wife Rosa Grissett Villamil. Christ Jesus is correct when He preached that one, or Carman, cannot serve God and money at the same time. Carman loves money. And so does his family. Women have waited for him to marry him in Tulsa and now they're old maids without the happiness of children.

6:40 PM  
Blogger Beautiful Sunrise - Anna Marie said...

I'm sick of your idolatry of Carman Licciardello. That's why I haven't been on this page. You worship Carman instead of Christ Jesus. If you were to be in the same church as Carman he'd throw you out of the church building, or rather his he'll sick his security guards on you or his sick groupie female friends to throw you out of church. He only wants your money and to keep his distance away from you if you like him. His whole family hates you and other women like you. Carman worships black people and thinks they're the only people who have the holy spirit and pray heaven down for him. And he is best friends with Carlton Pearson, the widely acclaimed heretic who preaches black people are now gods and white people are washed out from the gene pool, which makes Carman think he's a god also and Carman doesn't worship Jesus either, they're into God without Jesus. Carman is nothing like what he sings about, and there's a Carman (the real Carman) who looks like a warlock mafioso, and there's a performing Carman, who is nothing like the real cold-hearted Carman.

Carman is a sinner, and a reprobate sinner. He never apologizes to anybody he hurts and never takes responsibilities for his wrong doings. His erroneous doctrine is that he can say he is not a sinner even though he sins because Christ crucified his sin and killed it. Carman is going to hell as a false prophet and evangelist. One of his friends, who was taught and acts just like him, was married to my friend's daughter who had to divorce him because he's reprobate just like Carman. Carman, Carman Ministries, and Carman's family are demonic and reprobate and they don't care who they hurt because all they want is your money, and will throw you out of his building if he even thinks you like or "love" him. The man does not know what love is. He abuses women, he stole his best friend's wife (Mario Murillo's wife Rosa Grissett Villamil. Christ Jesus is correct when He preached that one, or Carman, cannot serve God and money at the same time. Carman loves money. And so does his family. Women have waited for him to marry him in Tulsa and now they're old maids without the happiness of children.

6:41 PM  
Blogger Beautiful Sunrise - Anna Marie said...

I'm sick of your idolatry of Carman Licciardello. That's why I haven't been on this page. You worship Carman instead of Christ Jesus. If you were to be in the same church as Carman he'd throw you out of the church building, or rather his he'll sick his security guards on you or his sick groupie female friends to throw you out of church. He only wants your money and to keep his distance away from you if you like him. His whole family hates you and other women like you. Carman worships black people and thinks they're the only people who have the holy spirit and pray heaven down for him. And he is best friends with Carlton Pearson, the widely acclaimed heretic who preaches black people are now gods and white people are washed out from the gene pool, which makes Carman think he's a god also and Carman doesn't worship Jesus either, they're into God without Jesus. Carman is nothing like what he sings about, and there's a Carman (the real Carman) who looks like a warlock mafioso, and there's a performing Carman, who is nothing like the real cold-hearted Carman.

Carman is a sinner, and a reprobate sinner. He never apologizes to anybody he hurts and never takes responsibilities for his wrong doings. His erroneous doctrine is that he can say he is not a sinner even though he sins because Christ crucified his sin and killed it. Carman is going to hell as a false prophet and evangelist. One of his friends, who was taught and acts just like him, was married to my friend's daughter who had to divorce him because he's reprobate just like Carman. Carman, Carman Ministries, and Carman's family are demonic and reprobate and they don't care who they hurt because all they want is your money, and will throw you out of his building if he even thinks you like or "love" him. The man does not know what love is. He abuses women, he stole his best friend's wife (Mario Murillo's wife Rosa Grissett Villamil. Christ Jesus is correct when He preached that one, or Carman, cannot serve God and money at the same time. Carman loves money. And so does his family. Women have waited for him to marry him in Tulsa and now they're old maids without the happiness of children.

6:42 PM  
Blogger Beautiful Sunrise - Anna Marie said...

I'm sick of your idolatry of Carman Licciardello. That's why I haven't been on this page. You worship Carman instead of Christ Jesus. If you were to be in the same church as Carman he'd throw you out of the church building, or rather his he'll sick his security guards on you or his sick groupie female friends to throw you out of church. He only wants your money and to keep his distance away from you if you like him. His whole family hates you and other women like you. Carman worships black people and thinks they're the only people who have the holy spirit and pray heaven down for him. And he is best friends with Carlton Pearson, the widely acclaimed heretic who preaches black people are now gods and white people are washed out from the gene pool, which makes Carman think he's a god also and Carman doesn't worship Jesus either, they're into God without Jesus. Carman is nothing like what he sings about, and there's a Carman (the real Carman) who looks like a warlock mafioso, and there's a performing Carman, who is nothing like the real cold-hearted Carman.

Carman is a sinner, and a reprobate sinner. He never apologizes to anybody he hurts and never takes responsibilities for his wrong doings. His erroneous doctrine is that he can say he is not a sinner even though he sins because Christ crucified his sin and killed it. Carman is going to hell as a false prophet and evangelist. One of his friends, who was taught and acts just like him, was married to my friend's daughter who had to divorce him because he's reprobate just like Carman. Carman, Carman Ministries, and Carman's family are demonic and reprobate and they don't care who they hurt because all they want is your money, and will throw you out of his building if he even thinks you like or "love" him. The man does not know what love is. He abuses women, he stole his best friend's wife (Mario Murillo's wife Rosa Grissett Villamil. Christ Jesus is correct when He preached that one, or Carman, cannot serve God and money at the same time. Carman loves money. And so does his family. Women have waited for him to marry him in Tulsa and now they're old maids without the happiness of children.

6:42 PM  
Blogger Beautiful Sunrise - Anna Marie said...

I'm sick of your idolatry of Carman Licciardello. That's why I haven't been on this page. You worship Carman instead of Christ Jesus. If you were to be in the same church as Carman he'd throw you out of the church building, or rather his he'll sick his security guards on you or his sick groupie female friends to throw you out of church. He only wants your money and to keep his distance away from you if you like him. His whole family hates you and other women like you. Carman worships black people and thinks they're the only people who have the holy spirit and pray heaven down for him. And he is best friends with Carlton Pearson, the widely acclaimed heretic who preaches black people are now gods and white people are washed out from the gene pool, which makes Carman think he's a god also and Carman doesn't worship Jesus either, they're into God without Jesus. Carman is nothing like what he sings about, and there's a Carman (the real Carman) who looks like a warlock mafioso, and there's a performing Carman, who is nothing like the real cold-hearted Carman.

Carman is a sinner, and a reprobate sinner. He never apologizes to anybody he hurts and never takes responsibilities for his wrong doings. His erroneous doctrine is that he can say he is not a sinner even though he sins because Christ crucified his sin and killed it. Carman is going to hell as a false prophet and evangelist. One of his friends, who was taught and acts just like him, was married to my friend's daughter who had to divorce him because he's reprobate just like Carman. Carman, Carman Ministries, and Carman's family are demonic and reprobate and they don't care who they hurt because all they want is your money, and will throw you out of his building if he even thinks you like or "love" him. The man does not know what love is. He abuses women, he stole his best friend's wife (Mario Murillo's wife Rosa Grissett Villamil. Christ Jesus is correct when He preached that one, or Carman, cannot serve God and money at the same time. Carman loves money. And so does his family. Women have waited for him to marry him in Tulsa and now they're old maids without the happiness of children.

6:43 PM  
Blogger Beautiful Sunrise - Anna Marie said...

I'm sick of your idolatry of Carman Licciardello. That's why I haven't been on this page. You worship Carman instead of Christ Jesus. If you were to be in the same church as Carman he'd throw you out of the church building, or rather his he'll sick his security guards on you or his sick groupie female friends to throw you out of church. He only wants your money and to keep his distance away from you if you like him. His whole family hates you and other women like you. Carman worships black people and thinks they're the only people who have the holy spirit and pray heaven down for him. And he is best friends with Carlton Pearson, the widely acclaimed heretic who preaches black people are now gods and white people are washed out from the gene pool, which makes Carman think he's a god also and Carman doesn't worship Jesus either, they're into God without Jesus. Carman is nothing like what he sings about, and there's a Carman (the real Carman) who looks like a warlock mafioso, and there's a performing Carman, who is nothing like the real cold-hearted Carman.

Carman is a sinner, and a reprobate sinner. He never apologizes to anybody he hurts and never takes responsibilities for his wrong doings. His erroneous doctrine is that he can say he is not a sinner even though he sins because Christ crucified his sin and killed it. Carman is going to hell as a false prophet and evangelist. One of his friends, who was taught and acts just like him, was married to my friend's daughter who had to divorce him because he's reprobate just like Carman. Carman, Carman Ministries, and Carman's family are demonic and reprobate and they don't care who they hurt because all they want is your money, and will throw you out of his building if he even thinks you like or "love" him. The man does not know what love is. He abuses women, he stole his best friend's wife (Mario Murillo's wife Rosa Grissett Villamil. Christ Jesus is correct when He preached that one, or Carman, cannot serve God and money at the same time. Carman loves money. And so does his family. Women have waited for him to marry him in Tulsa and now they're old maids without the happiness of children.

6:44 PM  
Blogger Beautiful Sunrise - Anna Marie said...

I'm sick of your idolatry of Carman Licciardello. That's why I haven't been on this page. You worship Carman instead of Christ Jesus. If you were to be in the same church as Carman he'd throw you out of the church building, or rather his he'll sick his security guards on you or his sick groupie female friends to throw you out of church. He only wants your money and to keep his distance away from you if you like him. His whole family hates you and other women like you. Carman worships black people and thinks they're the only people who have the holy spirit and pray heaven down for him. And he is best friends with Carlton Pearson, the widely acclaimed heretic who preaches black people are now gods and white people are washed out from the gene pool, which makes Carman think he's a god also and Carman doesn't worship Jesus either, they're into God without Jesus. Carman is nothing like what he sings about, and there's a Carman (the real Carman) who looks like a warlock mafioso, and there's a performing Carman, who is nothing like the real cold-hearted Carman.

Carman is a sinner, and a reprobate sinner. He never apologizes to anybody he hurts and never takes responsibilities for his wrong doings. His erroneous doctrine is that he can say he is not a sinner even though he sins because Christ crucified his sin and killed it. Carman is going to hell as a false prophet and evangelist. One of his friends, who was taught and acts just like him, was married to my friend's daughter who had to divorce him because he's reprobate just like Carman. Carman, Carman Ministries, and Carman's family are demonic and reprobate and they don't care who they hurt because all they want is your money, and will throw you out of his building if he even thinks you like or "love" him. The man does not know what love is. He abuses women, he stole his best friend's wife (Mario Murillo's wife Rosa Grissett Villamil. Christ Jesus is correct when He preached that one, or Carman, cannot serve God and money at the same time. Carman loves money. And so does his family. Women have waited for him to marry him in Tulsa and now they're old maids without the happiness of children.

6:44 PM  
Blogger Beautiful Sunrise - Anna Marie said...

I'm sick of your idolatry of Carman Licciardello. That's why I haven't been on this page. You worship Carman instead of Christ Jesus. If you were to be in the same church as Carman he'd throw you out of the church building, or rather his he'll sick his security guards on you or his sick groupie female friends to throw you out of church. He only wants your money and to keep his distance away from you if you like him. His whole family hates you and other women like you. Carman worships black people and thinks they're the only people who have the holy spirit and pray heaven down for him. And he is best friends with Carlton Pearson, the widely acclaimed heretic who preaches black people are now gods and white people are washed out from the gene pool, which makes Carman think he's a god also and Carman doesn't worship Jesus either, they're into God without Jesus. Carman is nothing like what he sings about, and there's a Carman (the real Carman) who looks like a warlock mafioso, and there's a performing Carman, who is nothing like the real cold-hearted Carman.

Carman is a sinner, and a reprobate sinner. He never apologizes to anybody he hurts and never takes responsibilities for his wrong doings. His erroneous doctrine is that he can say he is not a sinner even though he sins because Christ crucified his sin and killed it. Carman is going to hell as a false prophet and evangelist. One of his friends, who was taught and acts just like him, was married to my friend's daughter who had to divorce him because he's reprobate just like Carman. Carman, Carman Ministries, and Carman's family are demonic and reprobate and they don't care who they hurt because all they want is your money, and will throw you out of his building if he even thinks you like or "love" him. The man does not know what love is. He abuses women, he stole his best friend's wife (Mario Murillo's wife Rosa Grissett Villamil. Christ Jesus is correct when He preached that one, or Carman, cannot serve God and money at the same time. Carman loves money. And so does his family. Women have waited for him to marry him in Tulsa and now they're old maids without the happiness of children.

6:45 PM  
Blogger Beautiful Sunrise - Anna Marie said...

I'm sick of your idolatry of Carman Licciardello. That's why I haven't been on this page. You worship Carman instead of Christ Jesus. If you were to be in the same church as Carman he'd throw you out of the church building, or rather his he'll sick his security guards on you or his sick groupie female friends to throw you out of church. He only wants your money and to keep his distance away from you if you like him. His whole family hates you and other women like you. Carman worships black people and thinks they're the only people who have the holy spirit and pray heaven down for him. And he is best friends with Carlton Pearson, the widely acclaimed heretic who preaches black people are now gods and white people are washed out from the gene pool, which makes Carman think he's a god also and Carman doesn't worship Jesus either, they're into God without Jesus. Carman is nothing like what he sings about, and there's a Carman (the real Carman) who looks like a warlock mafioso, and there's a performing Carman, who is nothing like the real cold-hearted Carman.

Carman is a sinner, and a reprobate sinner. He never apologizes to anybody he hurts and never takes responsibilities for his wrong doings. His erroneous doctrine is that he can say he is not a sinner even though he sins because Christ crucified his sin and killed it. Carman is going to hell as a false prophet and evangelist. One of his friends, who was taught and acts just like him, was married to my friend's daughter who had to divorce him because he's reprobate just like Carman. Carman, Carman Ministries, and Carman's family are demonic and reprobate and they don't care who they hurt because all they want is your money, and will throw you out of his building if he even thinks you like or "love" him. The man does not know what love is. He abuses women, he stole his best friend's wife (Mario Murillo's wife Rosa Grissett Villamil. Christ Jesus is correct when He preached that one, or Carman, cannot serve God and money at the same time. Carman loves money. And so does his family. Women have waited for him to marry him in Tulsa and now they're old maids without the happiness of children.

6:45 PM  
Blogger Beautiful Sunrise - Anna Marie said...

I'm sick of your idolatry of Carman Licciardello. That's why I haven't been on this page. You worship Carman instead of Christ Jesus. If you were to be in the same church as Carman he'd throw you out of the church building, or rather his he'll sick his security guards on you or his sick groupie female friends to throw you out of church. He only wants your money and to keep his distance away from you if you like him. His whole family hates you and other women like you. Carman worships black people and thinks they're the only people who have the holy spirit and pray heaven down for him. And he is best friends with Carlton Pearson, the widely acclaimed heretic who preaches black people are now gods and white people are washed out from the gene pool, which makes Carman think he's a god also and Carman doesn't worship Jesus either, they're into God without Jesus. Carman is nothing like what he sings about, and there's a Carman (the real Carman) who looks like a warlock mafioso, and there's a performing Carman, who is nothing like the real cold-hearted Carman.

Carman is a sinner, and a reprobate sinner. He never apologizes to anybody he hurts and never takes responsibilities for his wrong doings. His erroneous doctrine is that he can say he is not a sinner even though he sins because Christ crucified his sin and killed it. Carman is going to hell as a false prophet and evangelist. One of his friends, who was taught and acts just like him, was married to my friend's daughter who had to divorce him because he's reprobate just like Carman. Carman, Carman Ministries, and Carman's family are demonic and reprobate and they don't care who they hurt because all they want is your money, and will throw you out of his building if he even thinks you like or "love" him. The man does not know what love is. He abuses women, he stole his best friend's wife (Mario Murillo's wife Rosa Grissett Villamil. Christ Jesus is correct when He preached that one, or Carman, cannot serve God and money at the same time. Carman loves money. And so does his family. Women have waited for him to marry him in Tulsa and now they're old maids without the happiness of children.

6:46 PM  
Blogger Beautiful Sunrise - Anna Marie said...

I'm sick of your idolatry of Carman Licciardello. That's why I haven't been on this page. You worship Carman instead of Christ Jesus. If you were to be in the same church as Carman he'd throw you out of the church building, or rather his he'll sick his security guards on you or his sick groupie female friends to throw you out of church. He only wants your money and to keep his distance away from you if you like him. His whole family hates you and other women like you. Carman worships black people and thinks they're the only people who have the holy spirit and pray heaven down for him. And he is best friends with Carlton Pearson, the widely acclaimed heretic who preaches black people are now gods and white people are washed out from the gene pool, which makes Carman think he's a god also and Carman doesn't worship Jesus either, they're into God without Jesus. Carman is nothing like what he sings about, and there's a Carman (the real Carman) who looks like a warlock mafioso, and there's a performing Carman, who is nothing like the real cold-hearted Carman.

Carman is a sinner, and a reprobate sinner. He never apologizes to anybody he hurts and never takes responsibilities for his wrong doings. His erroneous doctrine is that he can say he is not a sinner even though he sins because Christ crucified his sin and killed it. Carman is going to hell as a false prophet and evangelist. One of his friends, who was taught and acts just like him, was married to my friend's daughter who had to divorce him because he's reprobate just like Carman. Carman, Carman Ministries, and Carman's family are demonic and reprobate and they don't care who they hurt because all they want is your money, and will throw you out of his building if he even thinks you like or "love" him. The man does not know what love is. He abuses women, he stole his best friend's wife (Mario Murillo's wife Rosa Grissett Villamil. Christ Jesus is correct when He preached that one, or Carman, cannot serve God and money at the same time. Carman loves money. And so does his family. Women have waited for him to marry him in Tulsa and now they're old maids without the happiness of children.

6:46 PM  
Blogger Beautiful Sunrise - Anna Marie said...

Your idolatry of Carman make God and everyone sick. He is a ruthless lustful concupiscent sinner and you keep making him rich by believing his false lifestyle on camera. Carman is a fraud. He "preaches" Jesus because you believe it so he can take your money.

2:23 AM  
Blogger Beautiful Sunrise - Anna Marie said...

Your idolatry of Carman make God and everyone sick. He is a ruthless lustful concupiscent sinner and you keep making him rich by believing his false lifestyle on camera. Carman is a fraud. He "preaches" Jesus because you believe it so he can take your money.

2:24 AM  
Blogger Beautiful Sunrise - Anna Marie said...

Your idolatry of Carman make God and everyone sick. He is a ruthless lustful concupiscent sinner and you keep making him rich by believing his false lifestyle on camera. Carman is a fraud. He "preaches" Jesus because you believe it so he can take your money.

2:25 AM  
Blogger Beautiful Sunrise - Anna Marie said...

Your idolatry of Carman make God and everyone sick. He is a ruthless lustful concupiscent sinner and you keep making him rich by believing his false lifestyle on camera. Carman is a fraud. He "preaches" Jesus because you believe it so he can take your money.

2:25 AM  
Blogger Beautiful Sunrise - Anna Marie said...

Your idolatry of Carman make God and everyone sick. He is a ruthless lustful concupiscent sinner and you keep making him rich by believing his false lifestyle on camera. Carman is a fraud. He "preaches" Jesus because you believe it so he can take your money.

2:26 AM  
Blogger God Withstands the Proud said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

6:50 PM  
Blogger Beautiful Sunrise - Anna Marie said...

Carman is an asshole! He thinks wonen are his enemies and he makes merchandise off the Christians, and he's not ethical to charge $1000 for a wonan to chat with him on the phone. He steals money from people by selling himself. He's a fake person and he's going to hell for loving money more than Jesus' people.

11:51 AM  
Blogger Beautiful Sunrise - Anna Marie said...

Carman is an asshole! He thinks women are his enemies and he makes merchandise off the Christians, and he's not ethical to charge $1000 for a woman to chat with him on the phone. He steals money from people by selling himself. He's a fake person and he's going to hell for loving money more than Jesus' people.

9:09 AM  
Blogger Charlie Dee said...

Unbelievable! Carman is dead! The myeloma claimed him, everybody speaking so negatively about this gifted gospel musician that Was perhaps a worldly Christian and marched to his own drummer! Like so many Great men of God if they do not keep their soul in tune with God, he fell into sin and lived an immoral life?I am shocked that nobody has acknowledged the blood disorder is a component of HIV. I am not judging Carmen I do not know all of the true facts and in the end none of us really know where he stood with God! We know that he did a work for Jesus and preached the gospel but perhaps he kept secret most of his private life. I just hope and pray that in the end he found peace with God may he rest Now and look to the appearing of Jesus Christ.

7:06 AM  
Blogger Charlie Dee said...

It only goes to show that all of us must worship God with fear and trembling and try to live a clean and Godly life the best we can! And so much the more sense with all of the world chaos it is obvious that Jesus is coming soon!! All of us should pray and look for Jesus appearing! I love all of you and will be praying for all of us to make it into heaven , God bless you all!

7:08 AM  
Blogger Charlie Dee said...

To make it clear, I am not saying Carman had AIDS, he had cancer of the blood, which is often what celebrities claim when they have something far more serious and only God knows the truth!

9:32 AM  
Blogger Charlie Dee said...

Only God knows

11:01 AM  

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